For Sale
Robinson R-22 Beta 2
Year of construction  2000
Country  Switzerland
City/Aerodrome  TBA
Description  R22 Beta 2, Year 2000
Airframe TSN: 4090 Hours
Engine TSN: 3708 Hours
Engine TSO: 2144 Hours

The helicopter is in good conditions, immediately available.
Prior meeting by telephone or e-mail, provide all documentation requested by the interested parties (general Pdf, MCS remaining). Visit the website is always updated with direct download for general information. Helipromotion Swiss has many years of experience in shipping aircraft all over the world utilizing both air and sea freight. We take great care in ensuring your aircraft arrives safely and securely at its destination.
Price  € 65,000

Last updated 


Offered by

Helipromotion Swiss
Miki Dozio
Ambri, Switzerland
Phone +41 91 868 1122

Please mention PlaneCheck if you inquire about this airplane