For Sale
Yakovlev Yak-18A


Year of construction  1958
Country  England
City/Aerodrome  Breighton
Description  This is a completely rebuilt aircraft by Termikas in Lithuania with 13 hrs ferry time back to UK. This is an opportunity to buy a classic original Eastern Bloc trainer with excellent handling characteristics that will give the new owner reliability and ownership of a superb, safe aerobat.
Airplane time state  AFTT 3628hrs
ETTSN 405hrs ETTSO 12hrs
PTTSN 3629hrs PTTSO 12hrs
Interior  Original set up with overhauled instruments where required,
Exterior  Completely recovered and painted, all AD's, factory service bulletins and service instructions complied with
Avionics  Trig VHF comm and TXPDR
Remarks  With a faultless ferry flight across Europe this aircraft is being offered at exactly the cost to its current owner, view anytime.
Price  € 110,000

Last updated 


Offered by

Anthony Smith
Selby, England
Phone +447590366112

Please mention PlaneCheck if you inquire about this airplane